Friday, April 17, 2009

For Today - April 17, 2009 - Friday

Outside My's quiet. Stormed last night - even had hail - but all is relatively quiet this morning & even the birds are subdued as only a few are chirping & there's not the usual cacophony.

I am thinking...since it didn't rain all that much last night, but they're still predicting rain for the weekend, I need to get outside & work before it starts.

I am wondering...if I'll see friend Judy this weekend. She & hubby were planning on coming, but may reconsider because of lousy weather forecast.

I am thankful for....the hail not doing much damage to the veggies or flowers - but really knocked the loose petals off the roses.

From the kitchen...hubby doling out vitamins & tea pot whistling.

I am try to do some weed-pulling.

I am wearing...chenille robe.

I am reading...more Bible verses. I have much to learn. Even more to apply.

I am take my calcium tablets w/Natural Calm magnesium, take Shiloh for a walk & then work in flower gardens. I did this yesterday and wasn't nearly as sore afterward. I think the walk warmed up the muscles enough that the bending, pulling, carrying & dragging, etc., didn't bother me nearly as much, as I had/have no soreness/stiffness at all.

I am hearing...a few birds discussing the weather & hubby getting ready for work.

Around the house….Doors are opened but it's much more humid than it has been, but still feels good.

One of my favorite things...lots of fresh produce!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Yard work. Select & print photos for HUGE photo collage on wall behind couch. Write thank you notes.

Something you may not know about me...I'm thinking too many people like to give their opinions & argue w/those you either agree or disagree. . . .they just like to argue.

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