Thursday, June 10, 2010

For Today - June 10, 2010 - Thursday

Outside My Window. . .It is raining. It's been raining off & on for over 24 hours. Blessed rain. We really needed it.

I Am Hearing
. . .Rain on the metal roof & thunder in the distance; Shiloh, the pony-sized Golden Retriever snoring; the A/C humming & the clicking of the keyboard as I type.

I Am Wearing . . .khaki cargo pants w/brown t-shirt. And bare feet w/nicely polished toenails! :)

I Am Thinking . . . that because of all the rain, I'm in a rather lazy mood.

I Am Wondering . . .How my son-in-law's sweet Tansy is doing? She is a sweetheart of a Golden Retriever who had a huge mass removed on Monday. It appeared very rapidly & increased in size very quickly. In a week's time it was about 6" in diameter & the vet had to remove some muscle tissue to get all of the tumor.

I Am Grateful. . . that my daughter just called with a Tansy update. How's that for being serendipitous? Perfect, perfect timing.

And I can hardly beleive it. The tumor is NOT cancerous! It's necrotic lipoma. Apparently it grew & died very quickly, but no cancer! The vet hadn't heard of this before. Well - let me tell you there is much rejoicing is going on here in front of the computer. My daughter's pets are her children. . . for the time being . . . & even though life is filled with sorrow & they will have their share of it. . . I'm glad today is not the day.

From The Kitchen
. . . watermelon.

I Am Going. . . to be lazy today.

I Am Reading . . . blogs of very creative women.

I Am Hoping
. . .to make pancakes & vegetarian sausage links for supper tonight.

Around The House . . . There's an Amazon box on the dining room table w/hubby's Father's Day gift & a package from JCP w/my favorite 3/4 length, v-neck t-shirts in the living room. While I despise, abhor & loathe shopping in real life - I love online shopping!

One Of My Favorite Things
. . .good news!

Today's Photo. . .a mosaic of my first geocache which was only 6/10 mile from the house!


  1. Great new about Tansy. Woo hoo on the geocache! I was wondering if you had found it.

  2. It's just amazing that a tumor can come up so quickly, grow so huge in such a short amount of time & NOT be cancer. I never heard of such a thing!
