Tuesday, June 15, 2010

For Today - June 15, 2010 - Tuesday

Outside My Window. . .Are blooming hydrangeas & Black-eyed Susans. It's warm & muggy, a rather typical east Texas June morning. Yes, this is exactly what I posted yesterday. . . I can most likely cut & paste this for the rest of the Summer!

And speaking of the hydrangeas - they are looking rather wilted - I need to go out & water them. They would love some rain!

I Am Hearing
. . .I live in Texas & like most Texans this time of year, am listening to the air conditioner humming. The opened windows of Spring are a thing of the past. Of course it's not officially yet Summer. But temperature-wise, it most definitely is!

I Am Wearing . . .white cargo pants w/turquoise t-shirt. And bare feet with nails needing a fresh paint job! Just to let you know - I buy clothes in multiples. If something fits & the price is right, I buy at least one more. So - - - these are not the same pair of white cargo pants! Last year I found the perfect t-shirt for me, from JC Penney. And lucky, lucky me - they're on sale! I bought two of every color that I wear!

I Am Thinking . . . I need to make a trip into town today, even though I didn't have any plans to do so. Hubby has the infuriating habit of paying the utility bills on their due date. In person. Today is the day. He is already at work. Don't ask me why he insists on doing it this way - he has no answer. It is just his quirky ways of doing things!

I Am Wondering . . .How the neighboring cowboy is doing today.

Derek, 23, works the cattle for Steve, & he came by the cabin yesterday morning asking my assistance. He had gotten his boss's pickup stuck near the creek & wanted me to pull him out! I explained that my Nissan Quest wasn't made for pulling & towing, but I offered him the use of the phone and some boards to put beneath the wheels to get some traction.

A bit later he came back to let me know the boards didn't work, so I offered to drive him to his bosses house (just a few miles away) so he could get his truck to pull out the boss's truck.

All should be well. . . . right?

After a while, he came back to the house, all embarrassed because *his* truck had run out of diesel while driving down to the creek! So, I offered to take him into town to buy some diesel, but he explained that unlike a gas engine (where all you have to do is add some fuel) there is more to the diesel engine because you have to *prime* it first.

And then he kept standing on the porch. Just shuffling from one foot to the other. Looking at me. Looking to me. It was then I realized he was expecting me to solve the problem for him. He was looking to me as if I were his mother - - - & I was going to make all things better. Hmmm. What to do?

Call my hubby - that's what! He suggested I take Derek up the road to a farm that has lots of goats, cattle, an emu & lots, & lots of tractors & farm equipment. I don't know the people who live there. Hubby doesn't really know them, either. But that's what good-hearted people do: help one another. So - that's what we did.

And of course no one answered the door. And of course they were cutting hay in a field far from the house. And so we waved & made a ruckus & carried on & the man in his air-conditioned tractor drove up to us & after explaining Derek's situation, got jumped into his truck met us at the gate to the pasture with the stuck truck. Oh. And left his air-conditioned tractor running!?

So - I'm wondering if Derek will have a better day today. Yesterday was a real M O N D A Y for him!

I Am Grateful. . . that hubby came by on his way to a job to go pay the bills himself. I guess he thought about our little saying, "Do you want it done? Or do you want it done your way?" And if it has to be done a particular way, then that person has to do it him/herself.

Don't get me wrong - I'm willing to pay those bills. After all, I pay all the other bills - but not in person on the day they are due!

From The Kitchen
. . . is Earl Gray tea & cinnamon toast.

I Am Going. . . to hang a couple of pictures & scrub down the main bathroom. . . which is very, very small. It won't take long at all!

I Am (still) Reading . . . "Essential Oils Desk Reference" Yeah - I'm that geeky! But since we don't use pharmaceuticals - essential oils, vitamins, herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc., are our first line of medicine.

I Am Hoping
. . .to hear soon from our youngest son. It's been a while. And I miss him.

Around The House . . . there are still pictures & mirrors to hang & I'm ready to hang some of them today.

One Of My Favorite Things
. . .is my very good health. And the very good health of my hubby. We are blessed & we know it full well!

Something You May Not Know About Me
. . . I'm participating in a flickr group of submitting a self-portrait a week. For 52 weeks. I don't like having my picture taken. This is a stretch for me.

Today's Photo. . . this week's SP...I've been told it's *dreamy*! :)

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