Saturday, September 27, 2008

For Today - September 27, 2008 - Saturday

atuOutside My Windowfreshly mowed grass & recently baled hay. I did the mowing . . . all by myself!

I am thinkingthat I'm getting too old for so much yard work.

I am thankful fornot having to go to the WW staff meeting today. I've not missed one, not a single one, & decided to stay home to tend to Murray.

From the kitchen... fresh peaches & strawberries.

I am wearingdenim shorts (thanks Charlotte!) & peachy tank top w/bling on top!

I am creating a plan to live with less stuff. I "must" use it or love it or else it must go out. I can no longer keep something because I might do something cool & creative with it some day.

I am goingto take a shower, have a glass of wine & eat dinner.

I am reading The Bible & am almost through with Jeremiah! Am encouraged how it's really hard for someone to go to hell. God is always pursuing . . . always loving . . . always so stubbornly in love with us & wooing us.

I am hopingto get a good night's sleep.

I am hearingsomeone else's lawnmower...clock humming

Around the housea clean living room & kitchen....everything else still needs me to tend to it...but it can wait.

One of my favorite thingsthe smell of freshly mowed grass.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The scrapbook that page of Amanda & her g'ma...meeting with Lexa about subbing her childrens' Sunday School class...getting our frozen food from the pastor.

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