Wednesday, April 15, 2009

For Today - April 15, 2009 - Wednesday

Outside My's another perfect Spring day!

I am thinking...I need to get off the computer & make my quick trip to town.

I am wondering...when they'll get to NC?

I am thankful for....youngest son making it safely to Oregon.

From the kitchen...Clean dishes waiting to be unloaded from the dishwasher.

I am in the dirt.

I am wearing...brown pants w/ecru top. And house slippers. Time to get dressed!

I am reading...Bible verses

I am hoping...hubby gets to bring home fried catfish tonight. He has a business meeting almost every Wednesday night at the lake house. Isn't that grand? A business meeting at a lake house & it's almost always a dinner meeting! Tonight is fried catfish. The boss's grandson really, really knows how to fish in this lake and keeps them supplied with catfish for the meetings. When there's not enough - the boss provides steaks. Or he sends an employee to Louisiana to buy pounds & pounds of shrimp. The economy my be in the toilet, but the eating is fine in east Texas! Anyway - I hope hubby gets to bring home some leftovers!

I am hearing...birds & printer humming. The redwing blackbird is especially noisy this morning.

Around the house….Doors & windows are open. Delightful!

One of my favorite things...the fact I get to spend most of the day at home. A quick trip to the bank & post office & then back home! I intend to play in the dirt!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Yard work. Select & print photos for HUGE photo collage on wall behind couch.

Something you may not know about me...I suffer from camera envy. The one I "really" want is right under 5K. No - I'm not buying one. No - no one's giving me one! It's true I don't care too much for jewelry, clothes or shoes . . . but still find it hard to justify 5K for a camera. And that does NOT include any lenses!

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