Sunday, April 18, 2010

For Today - April 18, 2010 - Sunday

Outside My Window. . .The beginnings of a gravel pathway. About 30 feet are already done & all it took was a ton, yes 2000 pounds, of gravel! It is edged w/old brick that is on the property. . . lots and lots of old brick. We're doing it Tara Dillard's way. . .The 30 or so feet already look as if it's been here forever.

There's also white azaleas blooming, irises & roses. Remember those roses we moved back in January? Most of them are blooming or have buds on them!

I am hearing. . .Birds: songbirds & a crow. Ad go barking in the distance. And the faint sound of TV golf. Which means one thing - it's Sunday afternoon & hubby is napping in front of the TV. Nothing can lull us to sleep faster than a round of golf! :)

I Am Wearing
. .Flannel pajamas & a velour robe. It is Sunday afternoon & I wrecked my knee yesterday. It's chilly outside, so I'm dressed for bed. At 5 PM. :)

I Am Thinking . . . that 60 is not the new 40. I don't care what they say - at best it's 60!

I am wondering . . . If knee will be better tomorrow. I've always healed/recovered pretty quickly. I hope that's still true. You wonder what happened to my knee? While it's true hubby shoveled & hauled all 2000 pounds of gravel by himself, I decided to help by carrying heavy pot plants by myself. I was careful to use my legs . . . & apparently used my knees more than hips & thighs!

I Am Grateful
. . . For slow steady rain today. It makes it much easier to stay inside & stay off my feed, giving that knee a chance to mend. And gives the gravel pathway a chance to "settle in"

From the kitchen . . . Roasted chicken, potato salad, green beans, deviled eggs, crescent rolls & ice tea. Everything except the chicken was made yesterday & hubby picked up chicken from the store on his way home from church.

I am going
. . . to putter in the dining/computer/ready room. Nothing serious - just *piddle*.

I am reading
. . .Tara Dillard's books! I own them all & go over them time & time again.

I am hoping
. . .that knee quickly mends.

Around the house
. . . The telltale signs that we did yard work yesterday. Yep - leaves & dirt. In the house. In. The. House.

One of my favorite thing
s . . . The blending/blurring of indoors/outdoors.

Something you may not know about me . . . I still haven't unpacked summer clothes. A darn good thing as it's plum chilly today!

Today's Photo. . .

Above my stove. No exhaust fan, just treasures & necessities. If we need to air out the kitchen we open the kitchen windows & door!

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