Thursday, November 13, 2008

For Today - November 13, 2008 - Thursday

Outside My Window...It's very, so very foggy. With a bright moon, which equals a lot of prettiness! If I felt better I'd be outside playing with my camera!

I am thinking...I must have had a stomach virus. I was either in the bathroom or in bed. No other places for me. After a lot of resting (& bathroom visits) I'm feeling a whole lot better. Stomach issues do not = fun. All I have now is a dull headache.

I am thankful for...a hubby who doesn't insist I'm productive every day. Yesterday was not productive. I did almost nothing! I haven't even opened a package that came in the mail.

From the kitchen...Not much going on in there. Will try to eat some yogurt maybe?

I am wearing...oh, that comfort robe. I stayed in it all day yesterday & wrapped myself in quilt Debby made for me. I literally surrounded myself in comfort.

I am going... to take a long, hot shower. Email LFG photo and brief article to local newspaper. Edit some pix taken over weekend. All in all a pretty lazy day.

I am reading...Nothing.

I am hoping...I will continue to feel better.

I am hearing...DH is shower. And my stomach growling.

Around the house…It can wait. It can all wait.

One of my favorite things…Much needed rest.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Work on Medicare, etc., stuff for parents.

Something you may not know about me...I have a 17 year old grandson. Today is his b'day. And no, I don't feel old!

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